
Posts Tagged ‘About Pashtons’


In the Time line of Events of History of Indian Sub Continent ( Afghanistan + Pakistan + Indian + Bangladesh , Burma and Nepal ) consisting of and Indus River Valley and the Ganges  River Civilization , the Rulers and Religions always came from Afghanistan .

Be it oldest Religion of India Subcontinent  the Hinduism ( 8 -10 Thousand Years ago ) , Zoristism  ( 4 Thousand Years ago ) or Judiasim  ( 3 Thousand Years ago ) , or Islam (1500 yr Years ago ).

Afghanistan in the Central Asia was the Mother and Cradle of Civilizations known as Indus Valley Civilization and it is Older than the Pyramids as without Doubt the Scientists and Historians Agree , just look at the Harrapa and Moenjadaro and their use of Bricks before even the Egypt had the Pyramids . Nobody has been able to Explain the Origins of Moenjdaro and Harrapa or even where they Disappeared so far .

Ancient Afghanistan and its Indus Civilization spread was up to the Seas of Indian Ocean , Including what is now Pakistan Area as one Area , joined with India , Bangladesh , Nepal and Burma as one Civilization but with Multicultural people and Multi religious as in the Waves of Religions came from West from Afghanistan to shores of Seas in Indian ocean.

General Trend was From West to East , the British Raj Realized this as they studied the India and were awe struck , so they tried to Reverse this Trend . What we Know as the Great Game of Religions and Particularly the Islam . 




IT is commonly believed that with East Indian company coming to India  in 1600 AD , during Time of Mughal King Jahangir and then in especially in Times of Mughal King Aurangzeb , the Illuminati , interests in the Riches of Indian Sub Continent Increased and East Indian company was the First Multi national Company and Corporation that the world saw.

It was Bigger than Many Kingdoms and it had the money and the power and it had the Backing of the Kings and Queens of Europe and England.

It had its own Army and its own Human resource from Best Institutes in Oxford and Eaton and Harrow in UK and off course the Secret Societies of those Institutes were also in the Great Game .

The saw the Vulnerability of Rich Mughal Kings and the Riches of Asia Indian Sub continent was Over Whelming and they realised the only way to control the Central Asian Afghan Kings who had been Ruling from Afghanistan and the Center of Earth as accoridng to Mac Kinder Theory .

They Started to Play this Great Game of Religions Long before the Actual Great Game started in 1700 and Used the Arabian Peninsula Model of Wahabism , which they used against the Ottomans  Caliphate of Turkish People.

British were the One to Create the Wahabism via a Mullah they Brought from Turkey his Name of Mullah Wahab and Used Lord Mempher a British Spy and , Part of Ministry of Colonies or MI6 British Intelligence of that time .

Indian Islam also was Influenced by the Wahabism of Saudia Arabia , After the Creation of Wahabism in Arabian Peninsula, The British Under Sir lord Mempher a British Spy were successful in Creation a Wahabist Sect of Islam with help of  British Loyalists the House of Saudis and Maulana Wahhab , who was imported from Turkey under Lord Mempher ,

Wahabist Termed every body as Heretic and Non Believer including other Muslims who did not Believe in their Version of Islam , they called themselves as Purist form of Islam as Wahabis . They called anybody not conforming to their Wahabi sect as Non Believer and “Kafir”  and not Pure as “Bidat”  . 

 “Bidat” , the Deviation from Wahabist Islam or Puritical Factor considering them as not Pure , Wahabi Imagined that the cause of Muslims being Week was Deviation Wahabism which they Preached and what they thought was Real Islam , their own version of Puritanical  Islam that was based on Rigid beliefs.

Science and Knowledge and  Education , lacking in Muslims was not considered as a Factor for downfall , but actually the Deviation from Ideals of Mulana Wahab  and his “”Purity / Bidat “”was considered as Factor and Muslims were Forcibly sent to way of Rigid Beliefs . 

Intermarriage of the House of Saud and Maulana Wahhabi Family Intermarried and made what is  Wahabist Saudia Arabia the holiest of land of Muslims and British had got them by the Heart and Mind and Made Islam as their own Project for Great Game.

They Used the Wahhabi Philosophy to Divide the Arabia  Peninsula and made into small pieces of gulf Countries as Divide and rule of British  , these Wahabist Gulf Countries were Successful in Breaking up of Otomon Empire into small Fragments and weakening it and ultimately disappearing in First World War-1 after Defeat to Imperialist and Capitalist British and Americans ,  Saudia was Grad Part of this Design and so were the Wahabists, Lord Mempher and Lawrance of Arabia . 

The Islam that came from Afghanistan were mostly of Sufi Islam and was true Islam based on Love of Human kind and God and Tasawaf it was these Sufi Saints that , brought Islam via use of Music and Religious songs  like “”Qawalis”” as Invented by one Sufi Saint Amir Khusro Ab’ul Hasan Yamīn ud-Dīn Khusrau , better known as Amīr Khusrow Dehlavī,, who also Invented the “”Sitar”” and  in  the Indian Sub continent and even today hundreds of Muslims and Non Muslims flock to their Tombs and Khanqas .

This religion was brought from Afghan cities of Bukhara and Samarkand  ( Currently Part of Uzbekistan as Russian Czars Break away Uzbekistan in Panjdeh Incident in Great Game .

Famous Sufis were supported by the Kings of India mostly from Afghanistan who brought and encouraged these Sufi’s to come to India. Famouse amoung them are Abul Hassan Ali Hujwiri, commonly known as Data Ganj Baksh, of lahore , Farid Ganj Shakar of South Punjab , Sewan Sharif of  Sindh , Sakhi Sarwar of  DG khan Punjab etc Bakhtiar Kaki of Delhi India  and  Baba Farid Ganj Shakar of Pak Pattan Punjab.

British Knew that Sufi islam that Preached Love and Sufism and also Love of God and his people and Harmony among the Muslims and Non Muslims was not Breakable and neither was unity of Indian sub Continent , they had to use a proven Formula and that was Wahabism , what they did in Arabia they wanted to do in India .

from 1700 to 1857 , the Influence of Wahabism crept into Indian Mysteriously and that could be traced to Madrasah Rahimiya , and Shah Wali Ullah .

 Mullahs trained by Wahhabi in Saudia Sent to Indian Sub continent via Deoband and Barelevis who came from Same Madrissah Rahamiya . 

Birth of Deobandi 1864 and Barelvis of 1904 both have same Origins from Madrissah Rahamiya .

Birth of Wahabism and Madrissah Rahmiya  appeared on Time line of History is the time when the Down fall of the Mughal Empire began as Muslim Mughal King Aurangzeb Started to Practice Wahabism .

He shunned the Non Muslims for the Darbar and Kings Affairs and he Implemented Strong Taxes and this causes Revolt from Non Muslim and especially the Punjabis and Biharis / Bengalis .

These Same Punjabi and Bengali Ethnicity even with large number of Muslims continued to Provide help to Foreign British Invaders in Form of human resource for Army and Bureaucracy and also Taxes for the British Empire .

Making the British Empire rich and Europe achieved its Advantage,  that took it from its Dark Ages to current Rulers of the World.

While the Muslims who were the rulers of whole Asia and Africa were reduced to Poor people and who were un-educated and also Backward and Divided and Ruled as Weaklings.

The Same Muslims who Lived for Centuries and Hundreds of Years in Indian subcontinent among Non Muslims were now Calling themselves a New Race Different by Virtue of Religion traits like Bidat / Purity / Pakism of Wahhabi Ideologies .

Shah Wali Ullah was trained in Saudia Arabs for 10 Years as Student of Mullah Abdul Wahab , and the Spies of Jamal Uddin Afghani Group.

Shah Wali Ullah came at the time when In India the Mughal Empire was Waning and Weakening because of Internal Strife , and also the Punjabis like Sikhs and Rajputs Marhatas were doing Treason / Baghawat  with moughals and not paying Taxes Because of Mughal King Aurangzeb being Influenced by Such Wahabist Ideology of Mullahs Educated from Saudia . 

Mughal King Aurangzeb,  who for bade equal rights of Muslims and Non Muslims and Jaziya Taxes , and there was Power Struggle of Succession to Crown as there was no Succession Formula in Indian Kings like Mughals(1550 -1757) and Afghan Delhi Sultanate ( 800 -900 AD)  before them , well documented by Waliam Drymple Books and Novels . Punjabis Revolted and made Life of Mughals Difficult

Shah Wali Ullah was sent to Saudia Arabia ( Probably by the British ) and he was taught none other then Mulana Wahab Himself  and by his sons in Saudia Arabia and that resulted in First Influence of Wahabism in India and concept of “”Purity/ Bidat / Wahabism came to Indian Subcontinent .

Shah Wali Ullah had many Student and one of them was Shah Ismail Barelvi from the Indian City of Barela in Punjab , and he was the one who later became the Fist Jihadist to Fight the British as he claimed but there is no Historical evidence that he really fought the British in India .

Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Beginning in the 1820’s, a group of missionaries was appointed by a combined movement of Oxford University, the Anglican Church, and Kings College of London University, under Scottish Rite Freemasonry, as part of a plot to foster the creation of an occult brotherhood in the Muslim world, dedicated to the use of terrorism on behalf of the Illuminati in the City of London.[1] The leading promoters of the Oxford Movement were Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli, Lord Palmerston of the Palladian Rite, and Edward Bullwer-Lytton, the leader of a branch of Rosicrucianism that developed from the Asiatic Brethren.

The Oxford movement was also supported by the Jesuits. Also involved were the British royal family itself, and many of its leading prime ministers and aides.



Edward Bulwer-Lytton

Edward Bulwer-Lytton


Edward Bulwer-Lytton was the Grand Patron of the Societas Rosicruciana in Anglia (SRIA), founded in 1865 by Robert Wentworth Little, and based on the Asiatic Brethren.

Many members of the Asiatic Brethren, or Fratres Lucis, had become members of a German Masonic lodge called L’Aurore Naissante, or “the Nascent Dawn”, founded in Frankfurt-on-Main in 1807. It was at this lodge where Lord Bulwer Lytton was initiated.[3]

Bulwer-Lytton, who served as the head of Britain’s Colonial Office and India Office, was also a practicing member of the cult of Isis and Osiris.

He wrote the Last Days of Pompeii, and The Coming Race, or Zanoni, in which he set the foundations for later Nazi racist theories. He became the grandfather the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood of John Ruskin, the Metaphysical Society of Bertrand Russell, and occult societies like the Golden Dawn of Aldous Huxley, and the Theosophical Society of Madame Blavatsky.

The Oxford Society and Freemasons and Jamal Uddin Afghani Spies were later spreading Wahabism in Indian Sub Continent.





[1] Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, p. 113. [pdf]
[2]Hansard’s Parliamentary Debates, quoted from Paul A. Fisher, Their God is the Devil, pp. 18-19.
[3] Ruggiu, Jean-Pascal. “Rosicrucian Alchemy and the Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn”.
[4] Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini. p. 118.
[5]Ibid. p. 123 and 121.
[6]Ibid. p. 118.
[7] Nikki Keddie, Sayyid Jamal ad-Din “al Afghani”: A Political Biography, Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, (1927) p. 87
[8] David Hughes, Davidic Dynasty.
[9] Nikki Keddie, Sayyid Jamal ad-Din “al Afghani”: A Political Biography p. 116.
[10]Ibid. p. 87.
[11]Ibid. p. 91.
[13]Ibid. p. 45.
[14 North West Province Special Branch, 29 August 189. quoted from Momen, Moojan, “Jamal Effendi and the early spread of the Bahai Faith in Asia”, Bahai Studies Review, Volume 8, 1998.
[15] (C.S.B.) Report of D.E. McCracken, dated 14 August 1897, in file Foreign: Secret E, Sept. 1898, no. 100, pp. 13-14; national archives of the government of India, New Delhi.
[16] Raafat, Samir. “Freemasonry in Egypt: Is it still around?” Insight Magazine, March 1, 1999.
[17] Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, p. 122.
[18]Ibid. p. 122.
[19]1941: Iraq and the Illuminati.
[20] Manly P. Hall (33rd degree mason), “The Phoenix, An Illustrated Review of Occultism and Philosophy”, 1960 The Philosophical Research Society, p. 122
[21] p. 280
[22]The Masters Revealed, p. 146.
[23] Howe, Ellic, Theodor Reuss: Irregular Freemasonry in Germany, 1900-23, 16 February 1978; Grand Lodge of BC and Yukon, Ars Quatuor Coronatorum, “Theodor Reuss: Irregular Freemasonry in Germany, 1900-23“.
[24] Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, p. 136.
[25] Ibid. p. 279.
[26] Cole, Juan R. I. “Rashid Rida on the Bahai Faith: A Utilitarian Theory of the Spread of Religions”, Arab Studies Quarterly 5, 3 (Summer 1983): 278.
[27] Raafat, Samir. “Freemasonry in Egypt: Is it still around?” Insight Magazine, March 1, 1999.
[28] Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, p. 136.
[29] Goodgame, Peter. The Muslim Brotherhood: The Globalists’ Secret Weapon.












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After 1857 British Raj OF  90 Years later the Wahabization of Indian Subcontinent reached a New Levels and House of Jamal uddin Afghani Spies had a Great Success .

Wahabization under British Raj  done after the Success of Sir Agha Khan and the Jamal uddin Afghani Band of Spies,  was member of , and the success of these Spies in British interest in Middle east and Divide of rule of British and the breaking of combined Arab Provinces under the Ottomans Caliphate of  Turks who controlled the whole Arabia .

The Suez Canal was Firmly in their hand and also the Arabs had been Divded and Ruled,  and made into Wahabist Arab Gulf countries , the spies had done something that whole Armies could not have done and it was all done via Deceptions .

British Empire they Realized that Religion can make a great Difference in Divide and rule and Weakening the Enemy which were their Subjects and Stopping rebellions that could arose .

Islam and exploiting its Weakness was biggest achievement they had done via Mullah Wahab and Agha Khanis also the Jamal uddin Afghani brand of Wahabist spies ,

British Agents were all over the Middle east and especially in Egypt and Saudia Arabia , the Saudia Arabia was named after a Family of Saud who had married into Daughter Mullah Abdul Wahab , the founder of Wahabism who was Student of Lord Hempher a British Spy .

The British now wanted the Same for Indian Sub continent an Equally large Piece of Land as Arabian Province under the Turkish ottoman Caliphs of Islam.



The British realized that Wahabization of Indian Sub continent was Started by Sir Agha Khan -1  under the Freemason of Scotish Rite , and also Students of Jamal uddin Afghani a British Spy and his Band of Spies made many False Religion like Bahaism /  Babism  was very Successful and they decided to use the Punjabis for Indian Version of Wahbised Islam .

on Pattern of Wahabism in Egypt as Muslim Brother hood and later spreading it to Indian Sub continent as Branches of Punjabi Islam that was Created are as follows and did not exist before the British Raj also knows as the Indian Sects or False Islams that came into being after 1857 , who was sent to India and Pakistan Area .

The Indian Punjabi Islam Wahhabi Sects that came into being as follows

  1. The Agha Khanis 1840
  2. The Deobanids 1864
  3. The Qadianis  23 march 1889
  4. The Neo Barelvis  1904,s
The Agha Khanis 1840

It all started from Sir Agha Khan -1 was Part of Jamal Uddin band of Spies and he was Partner of British Raj since his Early days in Iran and his Rebellion Against Shah Qajar the Kings of Iran

The Imam Hasan Ali Shah of Agha Khan -1  ,  46 th Imam / Mulla was born in 1804 in Kahak, Iran to Shah Khalil Allah, the 45th Ismaili Imam, and Bibi Sarkara, the daughter of Muhammad Sadiq Mahallati in 1815. Shah Khalil Allah was killed in Yazd during a brawl between some of his followers and local shopkeepers.

He was succeeded by his eldest son Hasan Ali Shah  also known as Muhammad Hasan Agha khan who became the 46th Imam , but he is more known as Founder of Agha Khani Sect which was Deviant from Ismaili Islam in its Instructions and was more of  Illuminati and Freemasons Project , that had close links with Sottish Freemason society .

Persian king Fath Ali Shah gave his own daughter, princess Sarv-i-Jahan Khanum, in marriage to the young Imam Hasan Ali Shah of Agha Khani -1  as when he Moved to Quam City of Iran , and provided a princely dowry in land holdings in the Mahallat region.

King Fath Ali Shah also appointed Hasan Ali Shah as governor of Qumm and bestowed upon him the honorific of “Aga Khan.” Thus did the title of “Aga Khan” enter the family. Hasan Ali Shah become known as Aga Khan Mahallati, and the title of Aga Khan was inherited by his successors.

Imam Hasan Ali Shah was appointed governor of Kerman in 1835.[1] At the time, Kerman was held by the rebellious sons of Shuja al-Saltana, a pretender to the Qajar throne.

Soon after March 1841, Hasan Ali Shah set out for Kerman. He managed to defeat a government force consisting of 4,000 men near Dashtab, and continued to win a number of victories before stopping at Bam for a time.

Soon, Shah Qajar Sent  24,000 men forcing  Hasan Ali Shah Agha khan  to flee from Bam to Rigan on the border of Baluchistan, where he suffered a decisive defeat.

Agha Khan Hasan Ali Shah decided to escape to Afghanistan, accompanied by his brothers and many soldiers and servants and seek Protection of British engaged in Herat and Kandahar Afghanistan .[1]

Fleeing Iran, he arrived in Kandahar, Afghanistan in 1841—a town that had been occupied by an Anglo-Indian army in 1839 in the First Anglo-Afghan War.

As Spy of Jamal udding Afghani  and a Freemason  close relationship existed between Agha Khan Hasan Ali Shah and the British, which coincided with the final years of the First Anglo-Afghan War (1838–1842).

After his arrival, Hasan Ali Shah wrote to Sir William Macnaghten, he was Appointed as Governor of  Herat in Afghanistan on behalf of the British.  the plans of the British were thwarted by the uprising of Dost Muhammad‘s son Muhammad Akbar Khan, who defeated and annihilated the British-Indian garrison at Gandamak Jalallabad on its retreat from Kabul in January 1842.

The British had grown to be a paramount power in India in the course of the 18th and early 19th century. About the time that the Aga Khan was having troubles in Iran, the British were deeply involved in Afghanistan, and their efforts were aimed at establishing in Kabul a rule that would be friendly to Britain, and prevent the Russian influence penetrating the borders of India, that would possibly threaten the existence of British empire.

The First Anglo-Afghan War, or First Afghan War (1255/1838 to 1258/1842), which is called for heavy sacrifices and untold hardship and suffering, was undertaken partly to counter the Russian advance in Central Asia and partly to place on the throne at Kabul the dethroned ruler, Shah Shuja, in place of Brakzai tribe  Durrani King Dost Muhammad (1791-1863).

Sir Agha Khan-1 was the Pir of Jinnah Poonja , the Father of Muhammad Ali Jinnah Who Partitioned India and Founded the country of  Pakistan . he was one of spies of Jamal Uddin Afghani Group

He was Part of First Tools used in Wahbized Indian Punjabi Islam and was Founder of Agha Khani Sect , that claims to be Ismaili but are actually Deviants and not considered  to be real Ismailis related to Egyptian Ismailis , It may be noted that Agha khan-1 , was British Loyalist and Freemason .

Sir Agha Khan -1 Was also Founder of ” 2 Nations Theory that is  basis of Pakistan and Bangladesh after Partition of Indian Subcontinent  and his Links with Lord Curzon. 

He Provided the Solution, to break the Resistance of Joint Hindu and Muslim towards the British During world War-1 , when Britain’s Forces had suffered Numerous Losses to Germans and Japanese and would have Lost the Prized India to British immediately after World War-1 . 

His Proposal of ” 2 Nations Theory “,  Divided the Resistance of All Indians as Muslims and Non Muslims Hindus and Sikhs Against the British 

but it was Favorable to British as they Continued to Rule for another 50 Years , by dividing the Combined Front of Hindus and Muslims. 

He founded the Muslim League, that favored the British and  made the Punjabis and Bengali Muslim Help the British as Soldiers under British Army officers and  Helping Save the Queen British Raj in World War-1 and Later in World War -2 .

he managed to Fail  Gandhi Led Quit India and Civil Disobedience Movement as well as Khalifat Moment via his Services , that was Done by all Indians irrespective of religion. 

Even Quran and true Islam does not believe in Islamic Nation Hood as 2 Nation Theory  , suggests and , Principals of Islamic Nation ( As boundaries and King Ship Defines a Nation not Religion ) 

His 2 Nation theory and Muslim League Spoiled the 1500 Year efforts of Muslim Ruling India to Retain their Power of India because of ” Divide and Rule”  because of Religion by the Agha Khanis and Muslim League . 

The Deobandis 1864

Deobandi (Pashto and Persianدیوبندی‎; Urduدیوبندی‎; Arabicالديوبندية‎; Bengaliদেওবন্দিHindiदेवबन्दी) is a Wahabist Indian  movement within Sunni (primarily HanafiIslam,[1] that started in UP in Indian Subcontinent .

 It is centered and Named on Punjabi Town of  Deoband, India, in Indian Sub continent .The name derives from where the school Darul Uloom Deoband is situated.

it Founder Shah Waliullah was born on 21 February 1703 to Shah Abdur Rahim, who was one of Student of Abdul Wahab and had gone to study as his Student during the reign of Mughal King  Aurengzeb., Madrissah Rahimiya was Founder during the Riegn of Mughal King  Aurengzeb

 Shah Abdur Rahim,  and Madirssah Rahimiya was the one who started Wahabism in Indian Sub continent , and  he Brought the Ideas of Bidat and Purity , that is basis of Wahbais which means nothing but declaring any body as Kafir who did not believe in thier Ideology of Wahabism and Salafism .

His son was known as Shah Walliullah , He was one of the Teams Preparing  Fatawa-e-Alamgiri[5] was being compiled for Wahabist King of india known as Aurangzeb alsing with his father  Shah Abdur Rahim, His father, Shah Abdur Rahim was the founder of the Madrasah-i Rahimiyah. He was on the committee appointed by Aurangzeb for compilation of the code of law, Fatawa-e-Alamgiri.[6]

Currently deobandism Wahabism  is Practiced in IndiaPakistanAfghanistan, and Bangladesh, has spread to the United Kingdom, and has a presence in South Africa.[3]

The Deobandi movement developed as Indian  Branch of Wahabism by a group of Indian mullahs —consisting of

  1. Rashid Ahmad Gangohi,
  2.  Muhammad Yaqub Nanautawi,
  3. Shah Rafi al-Din,
  4. Sayyid Muhammad Abid,
  5. Zulfiqar Ali,
  6. Fadhl al-Rahman Usmani
  7. and Muhammad Qasim Nanotvi

and They all made foundation of Indian Wahabist Factions on Pattern of Islamic Brother hood of Egypt and Saudia Arabia. Most of them had links with East Indian Company and used to receive money from it and some of them were even teacher for Foreign British officers. 

The group founded an Islamic seminary known as Darul Uloom Deoband,[7]  Darul Uloom Deoband became the second largest focal point of Islamic teaching and research after the Al-Azhar UniversityCairo. in Islamic World .

The Briish were helped by its Political Wing of Wahabist Deobandi,s are  Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind .and they were the ones who Later became Part of All India  Muslim league. 

Tablighi Jamaat,  is the  Deobandi ideology and Theoretical Wing of Indian Sub continent Wahabism , and they have a Highe Role in Recruitment of Jihadist for Al-Qaeda and Taliban ,  that receives a lot of money from Saudia and Gulf Wahabist States ,

. Deobandies Originally fooled people that are striving to revive Sufistic traditions,  but they are actualy Staunch Wahabists and have anti – Barelevi and Anti -Sufi and Anti -Shia Agenda since  early 1980s to 2000s, its role is very Prominent in Pakistan and Afghanistan was influenced by Wahhabism, due to fundings by Saudi Arabia.[10][11]

Towards the time of the Indian independence movement, the Deobandis advocated a notion of composite nationalism by which Hindus and Muslims were seen as one nation who were asked to be united in the struggle against the British.[12]

In 1919, a large group of Deobandi scholars formed the political party Jamiat Ulema-e-Hind and opposed the partition of India.[12] Deobandi scholar Maulana Syed Husain Ahmad Madani helped to spread these ideas through his text Muttahida Qaumiyat Aur Islam.[12] A minority group later dissented from this position and joined Muhammad Ali Jinnah‘s Muslim League, forming the Jamiat Ulema-e-Islam in 1945.[13]

Since the pashtons were all Muslims and they could not be further divide on the Basis of 2 Nation theory of Agha Khan-1 , and the Muslim League of Muhammad ali Jinnah and Muslim league was not very populart in Pashtons and the Baluchi Areas for the same reason .

The British employed the Wahhabi branch of Punjabi Islam known as Deobandis and they made , the “ Jamat Ul ulema Hind “

This was negligible successful in the Divide pashtons Areas and a lot of Influential Member of this Deobandi Branch were in great Favour and Pay role of the British Empire.

The Role of Deoband was very Close with Pashtons as it was an Area where no Non Muslims existed and the 2 Nation Theory has no charm to Attract them to Muslim League or the Agha Khan,s  School of thought .

The Deoband was intrumental in Divide and rule and making use of islam for British Objectives and most of them later found Places in Muslim League . The Deoband  Movement also made possible to use of pashtons Against USSR and the Russians . which later in cold War paved the way for Operation Cyclone and Military Bases in Afghanistan and Pakistan .

The Hyderabad Deccan Nawab was their one Paid Agent who got 1000 rupees a month. As he had good, Relations with Religious centers of Deoband and was controlling it through his wealth which influence spread to NWFP and FATA too.

Some famous Maulvis who belongs to Maslaqs were reporting to  Viceroy  Lord Curzon and Governor NWFP  Lord Cunnigham Directly.

Monitoring, of Maulvis, was done through Respectable, Families of NWFP, like the, Shabizadas, Nawabs, Arbabs, and Khan Bahadurs (Titles) .

This was writen by Governor NWFP Cuningham, in His Diaries found in British Oriental muesim and Metioned By Khan Abdul Wali Khan Respectable Politians of  Awami National Party  in His Book Facts are sacred , on Page number 76 and chapter 5 .

Aftab Ahmad Sherpao who Helped US establish Bases in AF-Pak Area

Some famous name s are Ghulam Hyder Khan of Sherpao Village in Charsadda who was a Khan Bahudur too , who,s two sons Aftab Ahmad Sherpao and Late Hayat Sherpao are famous Politicains .

Aftab Ahmad Sherpao also served as Interior Minister of  Pakistan Under General President Mushraff Just Like His Father as Great assets for  Great Game Players of Britian and USA , He Provided USA with Air Bases in Baluchistan and also was Instrumental in Lal Masjid Incident and Formation of Swat Terrorists in 1994 called TNSM when he was Chief Minister  of NWFP

Wali of Swat family are famous to as accomplice in Manipulating Mullahs for Viceroy and Governor NWFP.

Bahudur Kuli Khan

In Southern NWFP Bahudur Kuli Khan Family who sons are Yusaf Khattak and Aslam Khattak , Lt-Gen Habibullah Khattak and Kulsom Saifullah was his daughter .  The Saifullahs are very Prominant members of Pakistan Muslim League like Saleem Saifullah and Anwar Saifullah .

Most of these people are still present around us today and are in Powerful Positions and Parliaments some with Beards and some without Beards as now they are Industrialists, Rich Tycoons.

The Deobandies were used to Divide and rule and later Partition of Indian Sub continent they were Partners of thier Wahabist Punjabis Islamists like Agha Khanis like Sir Jinnah an Agha Khani and also with Qadianis like Sir muhmmad Iqbal and also Sir Chaudhry Zafarullah Khan in All Indian Muslim League

The Qadianis / Ahamdis 23 March 1889

Ahmadiyya ./ Qadianis (UK/ˌɑːməˈdɪəˌæməˈdjə/,[1][2][3] US/ˌɑːməˈdə/),[1] officially the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community[4] or the Ahmadiyya Muslim Jama’at (Arabicالجماعة الإسلامية الأحمدية‎, romanizedal-Jamāʿah al-Islāmīyah al-AḥmadīyahUrduاحمدیہ مسلم جماعت‎), founded in Punjab, British India, in the late 19th century.[7][8][9][10] It originated with the life and teachings of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad (1835–1908),

Formally, the history of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community begins when Mirza Ghulam Ahmad took the oath of allegiance from a number of his companions at a home in Ludhiana, a city of Punjab , on 23 March 1889.

who claimed to have been divinely appointed as both the promised Mahdi  and Messiah expected by Muslims to appear towards the end times and bring about, by peaceful means, the final triumph of Islam;[11][12][13][14] as well as to embody, in this capacity, the expected eschatological figure of other major religious traditions.[15][16]

Adherents of the Ahmadiyya—a term adopted expressly in reference to Muhammad‘s alternative name Aḥmad[17][18][19][20]—are known as Ahmadi Muslims or simply Ahmadis or Qadianis as reference to Punjabi City where this was Born which is Part of Punjab Province in Indian Subcontinent and Borders Kashmir as it is part of Gurdaspur .

Mirza Ghulam Ahmad established the Community (or Jamāʿat) on 23 March 1889 by formally accepting allegiance from his supporters. Since his death, the Community has been led by a number of Caliphs and has spread to 210 countries and territories of the world as of 2017 with concentrations in South AsiaWest AfricaEast Africa,

A number of Ahmadis broke away over the nature of Ahmad’s prophetic status and succession and formed the Lahore Ahmadiyya Movement  or the Lahoris . 

The principal headquarters of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community is the city, town or place where the caliph resides. As such, since the forced exile of the fourth caliph from Pakistan in 1984, the official headquarters of the Community has been based in London, England.

It is believed, and prophesied, that in the future, the Ahmadiyya Caliphate will once again return to Qadian, Indian Punjab  the birthplace of Mirza Ghulam Ahmad. However, the Ahmadiyya city of Rabwah in Pakistan, since its founding on 20 September 1948 by the second caliph, after the Indian partition,

The PPP Led government declared them Kafir based in Second Amendment in Pakistan First Constitution in 1973 , and  it was a because of Speech of their Caliph Mirza Nasir , that led them to be declared Kafir / Non Believer in Islam.

The Qadianis Caliph Mira Nasir had declared Non Qadiani as Non Muslims in his speech In National Assembly of Pakistan on Wahabist Principal of Purity known as Bidat in Arabic .

That led to vote in National Assembly and they were declared Non Muslims by Votes and interesting Part of that Vote is this there were about 30% Qadiani Politicians Present in National Assembly  of Pakistan in 1973,

It was a unanimous Vote Against them to declare Qadiani as Kafir in 2nd Amendment , by all National Assembly Politicians, not a Single Qadiani Vote Against it.

Qadianis are found in High Position in  Bureaucracy and Military,  Politicians , Press ,  Journalists and Judiciary of Pakistan and known as Punjabi Establishment in Great Numbers according to some estimates about 40%.

The 23 March Pakistan Resolution and its Celebration is no Coincidence

The Qadianis were Appointed in Great Numbers in Punjabi Establishment , were Appointed by Agha Khani Founder of Pakistan Muhammad ali Jinnah who,s father was Mureed of Sir Agha Khani -1 , one of Spies of Jamal uddin Afghani group.

The Anti Qadiani Movement , revolted and they carried out Mass Demonstration in Lahore in Anarkai Bazar , and it was led by Followers of Atta ullah Shah Bukhari and many who believed that Pakistan which was supposedly made on Name of Islam was being Hijacked by Agha khanis and Qadianis, clashes erupted and Many people died .

The Pakistan Army led by many Qadiani Generals saved the Situation and Promulgated the First Marshal law of Pakistan under Field Marshal Ayub Khan , who was Previously an Intelligence Officer of British Army, and his Father was Subidar Mir Dad Khan of Hudson Horse regiment who had killed Mughal King Bahudur Shah Zafar -2 , the Last king of India in 1857.

Major Ayub Khan had also Served in Burma / Myanmar in Rohinga Rebels ,  who were Saving the British Empire from Collapse in india  from Invasion from Burma by Germans and Japanese and also by Rebel forces British Created from Biharis  and Bangladeshi Immigrants / Muhajirs against Burmese Indigenous People Allied with Germans and Japanese .

Jinnah has himself Bypassed many generals and he was number 10th down the lines was made the Army Cihief breaking the Merit and he in turn is known to take over Pakistan Government with Help of Qadianis who in Judiciary and Burecracy instituted what is known as


The Barelvis  1904

Barelvi (Urduبَریلوِی‎, BarēlwīUrdu pronunciation: [bəreːlʋi]) is a movement following the Sunni Hanafi school of jurisprudence, with over 200 million followers in Indian Sub Continent South Asia.[1] The name derives from the north Indian town of Bareilly, the hometown of its founder and main leader Ahmed Raza Khan (1856–1921).[2][3][4][5][6]

Although Barelvi is the commonly used term in the media and academia, the followers of the movement often prefer to be known by the title of Ahle Sunnat wa Jama’at, (Urduاہل سنت وجماعت‎) or as Sunnis, a reference to their perception as forming an international majority movement.[7]

The movement emphasizes personal devotion to Allah and the Muslim prophet Muhammad and a synthesis of Sharia with Sufi practices such as veneration of saints.[8][9].Because of this, they are often called Sufi Islam [10]

The Barelevi School of Thought also came from Madrissah Rahimiya which was Branch of Indian Wahbized Isam,  but when the Deobandi,s started to Adher to Bidat / Purity and tried to Under mine the Sufi Islam , the  “Barelvi” to differentiate itself from the Deobandi movement.[11][12]

The Barelvi movement became known as Barelvi due to their leader Ahmad Raza Khan[16][17][11][18] who established Barelvi schools in 1904 with the Manzar-e-Islam.[12][19]

The Barelvi movement formed as a defense of the traditional mystic practices from the Wahabist Deobandi Movement although Initially was Part of it under Madrissah Rahimiya .[20]

Although the Darul Uloom Nadwatul Ulama was founded in 1893 to reconcile South Asia‘s Muslim sectarian differences, the Barelvis eventually withdrew their support from the council and criticized its efforts as heretical, radical, and counter to the Islamic values.[21] Barelevis are also part of Divide and Rule and consider some other sects as Non muslims and are Wahabist in Outlook

Barelevis showed unequivocal support for the Movement for Pakistan  of were Partners i1947 Partition, of Indian subcontinet with Deobandis and Served British well as Wahabist .

Political Wing of Barelevis in Pakistan, called Jamiyyat-u Ulam-i Pakistan (JUP) and played role in Divide and Rule of Indian Sub continent based on Wahabi Principal of Purity / Bidat / Pakism . 



The Durrand Line Creation is also attributed to thier handy Work of Qadiani / Ahmadislike Sahibzada Abdul Latif of Afghanistan from Khost Area and that from NWFP region like Sahibzada Abdul Qayum Khan of Topi Swabi were instrumental in Helping  Mr. Durand foreign secrtary to Afghanistan of East India company representing Viceroy Henry Petty-Fitzmaurice, 5th Marquess of Lansdowen to Carve out  Durand Line with Amir Abdur Rehaman Khan king of Afghanistan 12 of November 1893.

Afghan Ahmadi Shabzada Abdul lateef of Khost

Durand line can be considered as Greatest tactical Advantage that paved the Way into Afghanistan and weekend the Durrani Empire  as it Divided the Pashtons into Afghans and Pashtons and Baluchis  and lost area of Durrani Empire known as Afghani Kabul Province one of 12 in 1857 under Joint Durrani and Mughal Rule was divided into 2 Parts .

The 2 parts are now known as Afghanistan and Pakistan ( at that time it was Part of India Subcontinent ) area extending up to Delhi the Capital of Indian Subcontinent and curently Durrand line Serves as Disputed Border between Afghanistan and Pakistan .

The Pashton Race was competently Divide into 2 Parts the Afghans and Pashtons . ultimate divide and Rule was achieved .



Habibullah Kalakani (Dariحبیب‌الله کلکانی‎), (19 January 1891 – 1 November 1929), or Bacha Saqa ( Water Carrier Sons as his Father was a Servant of King Amanullah Khan ) was a King of Afghanistan who ruled from 17 January 1929[note 1] to 13 October 1929. He was an ethnic Tajik. He was named the Water Carrier or Bacha Saqa ,

During the Afghan Civil War (1928–1929), he contested the Afghan throne By removing the Durrani Empire King Amanullah Khan.[4] and Installing Himself with the help of British Empire helping him who had taken him out of the Jail in Peshawar and then enabling him Arms and Ammunition and Logitics and Men to Cause Trouble and rebeliion agaisnt the Durrani King Amanullah Khan..

He was Picked from Peshawar Jail where he was Impassioned for Killing and Loot as Dacoits and Petty Thief and a Criminal

Habibullah Kalakani / Bacha Saqa was born in either 1891[6] or 1870[7] in the village of Kalakan,[8] north of Kabul.  He was an ethnic Tajik. In his memoirs, Kalakani stated that his home village was “miserable” and that he had “conceived a deep hatred of its poverty-stricken exterior”.[9]

At age 14, he left for Kabul on horseback with his friends Nur and Jamal.[9] Later, he joined King Amanullah Khan’s army, and fought in the Third Anglo-Afghan War and the Khost rebellion of 1924.

During the latter war, he served as officer with the Royal Army‘s “Model Battalion” and served with distinction during the suppression of the insurgents.[10] Nevertheless, he deserted the unit at some unspecified time, and after working in Peshawar, City  ,

Thereafter, Kalakani began a life of Banditry, since he considered the occupations common among the Kuhdamanis, like viticulture and selling firewood, to be beneath him, reasoning that these could hardly ever provide wheat bread for his table.

Instead, he began to rob caravans and nearby villages. He was joined by Sayyid Husayn and Malik Muhsin, as well as others, totaling 24 in all. For three years, they lived in mountain caves, venturing out during the day to rob and hiding out at night, all the time fearful of government retaliation. Sometime later, Kalakani fled to Peshawar where he was a tea seller and a petty thief.[11]

After British police arrested and jailed an accomplice of his, he fled to Peshawar where he stayed a while, supporting himself by petty theft. Kalakani and his bandit group also murdered Ghulam Ghaws Khan, Governor of Charikar.[11]moved to Parachinar (on the Afghan border) where he was arrested and sentenced to eleven months imprisonment.[11]

While the Afghan National Army was engulfed in battle with Pashtun outlaw tribes in Laghman and Nangarhar in the east of the country, the Saqqawists, led by Bacha Saqa  Kalakani began to attack the unprotected Kabul from the north in 1928. The revolt caught steam and the country was thrown into a civil war.

Wild tribesmen from Waziristan had the southern areas of Kabul surrounded, and Kalakāni’s forces were moving into the heart of Kabul from the north.

In the middle of the night, on 14 January 1929, Amanullah Khan handed over his kingdom to his brother Inayatullah Khan and escaped from Kabul towards Kandahar in the south, fearing people’s wrath.

Two days later, on 16 January 1929, Kalakani wrote a letter to King Inayatullah Khan to either surrender or prepare to fight. Inayatullah Khan responded by explaining that he never wished to become king, and agreed to abdicate.

After defeating Amanullah, he was eventually defeated by Mohammed Nadir Shah.[4].


Colonel, T. E. Lawrence of Arabia, The Jewish English famous Spy of MI6, who was instrumental in Creating Israel and Dictatorial King ships in Arabia out of Large Pan Arab state of Ottomans Empire, Islamic State created after Shahdat of Hazarat Ali PBUH, from 633 AD – Finished 1920.

He was Transferred and Stationed in Waziristan in Wana (FATA) Airport, 1921 to 1929, just after, finishing his job, in Arabia. He disguised himself as a Mechanic of Royal Air force First and Later as Mullah Salman Shah. He Knew Quran by heart, and would make himself as Imam of a Masjid and as Muslim Aalim.

It is no Coincidence that Lawrence of Arabia was sent to India ,  and he was stationed in Waziristan Pakhtunkhwa Right in “Wana City”  at the Airport which was “”British Air Base”””  and he was stationed there After the Durrand line  1893,  and World War-1  and was there because of his Knowledge of Islam and his Arabic skills and his Tact and Manipulation of Muslims as his Successful Track Record of Dividing the Arabia and Defeating the Ottomans Caliphate .and Creation of Modern Saudia Arabia.  

British Mi-6 Spy Lawrence of Arabia in Waziristan Wana Airport in Miranshaw as Airforce Mechanic -1928

Colonel TE Lawrence in Miranshah Waziristan( FATA) Air Port 1928 Lying on Bed, and in Uniform in Jerusalem Israel 1918, which he helped in Creating along with Saudia Arabia . where he used to work with Shareef of Mecca while he crafted Saudia Arabia for them after Dismembering Muslim Ottomans Turkish Sultanate through Guerrilla war with Help from Arab Criminal s.

Lawrence of Arabia at Wejh in Jordon and Syrian Area in 1917


Whole Islamic Madrisahs named after cities of Punjab in india  like Deobandi , Ahamdis and Barelavi ,were under their control and were financed by Viceroy.  All these Sects or Religions were Made after 1857 , before 1857 not a single Sect was Present ,  Ahamdis and jamamat Ahmadi who was Created as By Product of the same Great Game strategy .

After enlist help, of these Local mullahs in destabilizing Afghan Government, The Guerrilla warfare of Jihads worked in 1930,s and Ameer-Aman Ullah Khan of Islamic Republic of Afghanistan was destabilized and Ameer was Exiled in 1929 to Italy were he died in 1969.

Taliban Like Reign of “Mullah Bacha Saqaa” was established, by British. Whom Forbid Women’s education and no Education at all just like Taliban does now and as not a new Tactic at all.

The British had learnt this Tactic from Changez Khan and his  son Halkoo Khan who would use Mullahs in His quest over Baghdad and Muslim Cities of Bukhara and Samarkand.

British who could not Defeat Pushtoons now were effectively were toppling Afghan Governments and annexing its areas like NWFP FATA and Balauchistan.



The British Used the Islam for Divide and rule .  Islam was used to Divide the Indian Sub continent ( India + Bangladesh + Pakistan + Afghanistan )  , was too Large to control by the British and they could not make the Non Muslims to follow their Directives and use them against the Russia in Great Game .

Most of Military Soldier of British was made up of Punjabis and Bengali’s and they were Termed as Loyal Puris, and Valuable to British Interests and they were mostly Muslims while Hindus would boycott the British with Congress doing Quit Indian Movement non Cooperation Movements and Salt Marches and Non Payment of taxes that broke the back bone of British Empire while the First and Second World Wars were around the Corner.

The Punjabis and Bengali’s were Part of British Army and Sacrificing Lives for the Queen and her Strength over the world domination as Loyal Puris and Muslim League were made of these two Genetic pools as well. Manifesto of Muslim League was  ,

  1. Be Loyal to British
  2. Look after Interest of Muslims ( Not Indians )

Pakistan was ultimate Result of Wahabism as Pakism 

So they devised cunning plan to use the Islam and Maulvis for this Purpose, many Religious Movements were created by British Intelligence Isservices (MI6), which were monitored by Governor NWFP Lord Cuningham and Indian Viceroy Himself.

The famous accounts of these can be seen in the Diaries of, Lord Cunningham lying in London Museum now, he writes, I quote “ he would pay only 10 Rupees each to a Maulvi who would portray British as Ahele Kitabs and friends and the Russian as Foes Atheist and Kafir to wage Jihad against”.


[1]Pawns in the Game, p. XV.
[3]ibid, p. 100
[4] Loftus, John. “Al Qaeda Terrorists Nazi Connection“.
[5] Erikson, Marc. “Islamism, fascism and terrorism” (Part 3). Asia Times, Dec 4, 2002.
[6] Brown, Christopher. Global Nazism and the Muslim Brotherhood: Indicators of Connections.
[8] Emory, Dave. Lecture: “Islamism, Fascism and the GOP“.
[9] Erikson, Marc. “Islamism, fascism and terrorism” (Part 3).
[11] Chaitkin, Anton. “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination”, EIR Magazine, October 7, 1994.
[12] Coleman, Dr. John. “Tavistock: The Best Kept Secret in America“.
[13] quoted from Lee, Martin A. “The Swastika & the Crescent” Intelligence Report. Spring 2002, Issue 105.
[14] Erikson, Marc. “Islamism, fascism and terrorism” (Part 3). Asia Times.
[15 Preston, David Lee. “Hitler’s Swiss Connection”, Philadelphia Inquirer. Jan. 5, 1997
[16] Lee, Martin A. “The Swastika & the Crescent” Intelligence Report. Spring 2002, Issue 105.
[17] Brown, Christopher. Global Nazism and the Muslim Brotherhood.
[18] David Guyatt, “Operation Gladio”.
[19] Binion, Carla.” Nazis and Bush family history: Government investigated Bush family’s financing of Hitler“. Chaitkin, Anton. British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to AssassinationEIR Magazine, October 7, 1994.
[20] Robert Brian Stewart, “Harriet Eleanor Fay”; see also Brian Downing Quig, “Bush Family, American Royals!”.
[21] Binion, Carla.” Nazis and Bush family history: Government investigated Bush family’s financing of Hitler“.
[22] “Never Again: 50 Years after the War Crimes Trials against IG FARBEN“, Coalition Against Bayer Dangers.
[23] Chaitkin, Anton. “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination”, EIR Magazine. October 7, 1994.
[24]Blowback, quoted from Binion, Carla. Nazis and Bush family history: Government investigated Bush family’s financing of Hitler. December 21, 2000. Henderson, Dean. “The Shah of Iran and David Rockefeller”. Indymedia, 07 Feb 2004 19:01 GMT.
[25] Anton Chaitkin. “British Psychiatry: From Eugenics to Assassination”, EIR Magazine. October 7, 1994.
[26] “The Aquarian Conspiracy“; EIR, Dope IncPart IV.
[27] Dean Henderson. “The Shah of Iran and David Rockefeller”.
[28] Jeffrey Steinberg, “The unknown Hitler: Nazi roots in the occult“.
[29] Henderson. “The Shah of Iran and David Rockefeller”.
[31] Dreyfuss, Hostage to Khomeini, p. 248.
[32]The Game of Nations, p. 184.
[33] Loftus, John, “The Muslim Brotherhood, Nazis and Al-Qaeda”. Jewish Community News, October 4, 2004.
[34] Lee, Martin A. “Not a prayer: then as now, American schemes to change Islam have been dangerous folly”. Harper’s Magazine, June 2004.
[36] Lee, Martin A. “The C.I.A. & The Muslim Brotherhood: How the CIA set the stage for the September 11 attacks”. Razor Magazine, September, 2004.
[37]The Place of Tolerance in Islam, p. 9-10.
[38]ibid. p. 9.



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